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Patriot's Day

Patriots' Day (officially Patriots' Day in Massachusetts and Wisconsin and Patriot's Day in Maine[1]) is an official state holiday commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first battles of the American Revolutionary War. The holiday was originally celebrated on April 19, the actual anniversary of the battles (fought in 1775). See Wikipedia for more details. Read more »
patriots day

2021 Boston Marathon

The Boston Marathon is an annual marathon hosted by several cities in greater Boston in eastern Massachusetts, United States. It is always held on Patriots' Day, the third Monday of April. Begun in 1897, inspired by the success of the first marathon competition in the 1896 Summer Olympics, the Boston Marathon is the world's oldest annual marathon and ranks as one of the world's best-known road racing events. It is one of six World Marathon Majors, and is one of five major events held in the United States through the years of both World Wars. See BAA for more details. Read more »
Boston marathon logo
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